
I'd like to introduce you all to someone...

I don't do this very often. Or, indeed, at all.

Well, that's a lie, I did it once, in 2009. But still, it's like a very very good beer. Hard to come across.

"So, what the fuck is he rambling about now?" I hear you think. Or rather, not hear, but percept.

Well, I'm going to do an entire post about one idol. A little shrine, if you will.

I'm not doing it on Luscious Idolicious because I think, somehow, that the readership here will appreciate her slightly more than the viewers (hesitate to call most of my hits readers) on LI, considering their usual methods of finding the place is "[insert idol] naked", "[insert idol] barefoot", or "fappin away turn on loli oniichan voice" (I have no fucking idea).

So, anyway, allow me to introduce her.


Return of the Babymetal

On March 7th, 2012, BABYMETAL will unleash their most grim and unholy CD Debut, "Ii Ne!", along with those kvlt practitioners of necro blasphemies, "Kiba of Akiba", as an infernal split release with which to plague the earth.

So went the intro line I wrote for Dean over at Yonasu which he didn't use. But anyway, Babymetal are back, this time with a split-single (how metal is that?) with some silly Wota-ish Death Pop group.

I didn't bother writing about it until now, as there wasn't much to write about.

Now, the PV's out. I grabbed the TS file, fiddled with it a lot then uploaded it to Dailymotion, so here, enjoy:

So, first thing this reminds me of is Blood Stain Child. Techno Metal, with a hint of Gothenburg-ish Death Metal. Except that weird assed "take the piss out of rapper" bit. And the vocoding on some of the vocals. And trying to pass off the deathgrowls as Sumetal's work.

But still, as I said in my last post, it shows that Japan still hasn't lost its touch for genre-fuckery. Much as it's not the best metal ever, nor is it decent techno, it's idols and it's amazingly silly just because of that. For Momoclo, it's even more bizarre, as they're all psychotic. With Sakugaku, you don't have quite as much insanity, and Sumetal's fast approaching the end of middle-school, which is Sakugaku's "too old, gtfo" age. So Babymetal's time is limited, unless they rotate the members or something. But still, that they pull this off at their age is cool. Now just need a better songwriter for them. So, question time, which metal composer would write the best songs for them? My money's on Ihsahn or Heavy Devy.

I'm rambling now, seemingly.

Also, their kitsune is weak. Do some proper horns.

Honestly, I would have preferred that Ijime! Dame! Zettai! were released. From what I've heard of it, despite it sounding sort of X Japan-ish, it's a stronger song than either Ii Ne! or Doki-Doki Morning. Plus it has a wall of death when they play it live.

Fuck yea.


Buono! in Paris, 12th February 2012

So, at last I have an opportunity to sit down, compose my thoughts, and spam with wordcount.

Of course, it wouldn't be possible for me to do this without some incentive, and the incentive behind this particular post, were it not already rather obvious due to the title, is that Buono! came to France for a gig.

Unless you've been living under a rock I suppose that's probably not particularly surprising, so I'll say it once again just to be annoying.

Buono! came to France for a gig.

And such begins this tale of woe, regret, tragedy, heartbreak and FUCKING AWESOME TIMES.